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Never get upset or worry - just focus on what is next.  Remember to think and don't let emotions overcome you.
Life is very challenging, every day.  I know this very well.  Regardless what the challenge is, I just continue on and try to do my best with a smile on my face. Life Living is Pleasure.  This I know for sure....

Multiple, International Award-Winning Photographer and Photo Artist


Baroness Danuté is available for Radio, Television, Internet, Print and Digital interviews.


Baroness Danuté’s popular and entertaining blog is a taste of her life – living wild for the moment.





An adventurer of life, Baroness Danuté’s charming and passionate personality will delight and entertain viewers and listeners alike.  Some topics the Baroness can easily speak about include:


The witch doctor who helped me walk.

Vanishing tribes and wildlife.

A tribal queen living in a modern world.

From riches to rags and back again – and again and again.

Inspirational photographers and people of today and throughout history.

From behind the lens - looking at them while they’re looking at you.

Cameras, lenses and the darkroom.

Some of the most dangerous moments while photographing.

Hooked on the moment.

A love affair with Paris.

Dancing through life.

Solo traveling and photographing from a woman’s point-of-view.

Being victorious over cancer.



Living Wild Foto Gallery – Las Vegas, NV  U.S.A.

Alter-Gie Gallery - Beverly Hills, CA  U.S.A.

Apex Fine Art Gallery - Los Agneles, CA  U.S.A.

Gallery Papp - New York, NY  U.S.A.                                                                               

Keller and Greene Gallery - Los Angeles, CA  U.S.A.

La Galerie de L'Olifant - Paris, France

Las Vegas Art Museum - Las Vegas, NV  U.S.A.

Mozambique Gallery - Beverly Hills, CA  U.S.A.

San Dimas Festival of Arts Wildlife Art Show - San Dimas, CA  U.S.A.

The Ritz London - London, U.K.




Best Shot Worldwide

Masters Cup Nominee

Readers’ Best


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Multiple,  award-winning photographer, Baroness Danuté has an unquenchable thirst for drama.  Her spirited curiosity and zest for life continue to be the inspiration for her work.  When they tell me I can't go there... I'll be there. The more dangerous, the better!  


Untamed by her royal beginnings and always on the image prowl, Baroness Danuté travels the world with her Nikon cameras seeking the next passionate moment to be captured by her lens no matter the situation or challenge. You must live life to its fullest or you’re not living life at all.

From our cities to the last frontiers on our planet, Baroness Danuté has captured moments of human, animal and environmental diversity.  Born in Austria, the Baroness began her career behind the lens 16 years ago when she traded in her import/export company for a camera and lens.


In the late nineties, prompted by a victory trip to the mountains of North Kenya in Africa after recovering from cancer treatments, Baroness Danuté returned to the States to devote herself to photography, concentrating on big cats and vanishing tribes.  Although her body of work is predominantly realism, her background in fashion and design is interspersed in her portfolio, often bringing her talent as a photo artist to the forefront.


Frequently placing herself in dangerous situations to suspend time, Baroness Danuté is known for capturing eye contact or the apex in a dramatic moment; creating a feeling of connection between the viewer and the subject.


Baroness Danuté’s photographs have been in many solo and group shows, having exhibited in New York, Beverly Hills, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, London and Paris.  Her work has been seen in National Geographic and has won her Master Cup nominations, Readers’ Best and Best Shot Awards in Popular Photography magazine. 



San Francisco Bay Area, California, U.S.A. and worldwide by arrangement, Skype or telephone.


2018 Schedule

March – Mongolia

April – Paris, France


On permanent display at 

5720 S Valley View Blvd Ste 201, Las Vegas, NV  89118



Baroness Danuté

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